A Time to Gather Stones Ecclesiastes 3:1-5 For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under…
Speak His Name
September 2021 SPEAKING HIS NAME …
A Back-to-School Prayer
Dear God, we love You and we praise Your Holy Name! Thank You for Your faithfulness through our summer break.…
A Prayer – Our Wakeup Call
Our Father in Heaven, Praise Your Holy Name! We come to Your throne with humble hearts. May Your will be…
The Hem of His Garment
The Hem of His Garment Three Times Last week, I heard the passage from Luke, chapter 8, three times.…
In Honor of Steven Fry
A Memorial Tribute to Our Son From Bill & Frances Fry Steven Fry – July 9, 2002 – September…
The Book of Ephesians – FREE Bible Study
LEARN MORE ABOUT EPHESIANS! We want to invite you to study the Book of Ephesians. We are hearing that A…
How’s Your Armor?
The armor of God, our gear for battle, and by “battle” I mean our gear to get through each day.…
The Garden
The Garden In the Weeds I have always had a myriad of excuses of why I don’t keep…
4 DIFFERENT WORDS FOR LOVE The Bible was originally written in Hebrew, Greek and Aramaic. In Greek, there are quite…
Exalting JESUS
Are we Clinging to the world or god? The Book of Numbers is a description of the Israelites time in…